Interview with Mercurio Martinez
Texas lawmakers file legislation to create a medical school in RGV UTPA President Dr. Robert Nelson and UTB President Dr. Juliet Garcia filed Legislation at the State Capital for The Rio Grande Medical School
Caller Times - snap shot snap shot of the Caller Times article about the opening of Izzy's Food Pantry
July 4, 1947 article
March 19, 1947 Article
A hand inside La Raza glove criticism of RUP tactics and leadership for turning on members who disagreed with some actions from party leadership. One accuser lost his teaching job, while another says he was called a derogatory slur, "coco vendido," after he spoke up.
Change Coming in Robstown opinion piece describing the very close loss by the RUP candidate to the Democrat for governor in Robstown voting. The piece implies that Chicanos in Robstown are fed up with Dr. Garcia and Democrats in general, especially in regard to long-overdue educational reforms.
Meza opens office article describing the candidacy of Daniel Meza for the RUP. Meza criticizes the Democratic candidate for not having taken a public stand during the march for equality in educational financing the previous year.
Raza Unida cool on bond issue RUP leaders skeptical of bond items, with the exception of the upper-level college proposal. Even on that item, some unease about current educational availability at Del Mar and Texas A&I is indicated.Albert Huerta, RUP party chairman, speaks on lack of proposals that benefit Chicanos in the area.
No need to pretend Letter to the editor expressing disdain for Texas school board's deception toward Mexican-American voters.
Muniz, La Raza slate endorsed by Bonilla article explaining Tony Bonilla, director of LULAC, endorsing Muniz for governor. Much criticism for the Democratic and Republican candidates was included in the announcement.
A Question for Muniz letter to the editor, criticizing Raza Unida organizing strategies
Is Dr. Garcia Really Our Leader? opinion piece, criticizing Dr. Garcia for promoting the Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Frances Farenthold, instead of the Raza Unida candidate.
Muniz Attacks Nixon's Neglect article describing the RUP gubernatorial candidate, Ramsey Muniz's disapproval of how Nixon may have not followed through on his promise to Mexican-American voters
Statistics Available Response to criticism about reporting that indicates dismal numbers for Mexican-American high school persistence rates in Crystal City until Raza Unida leadership took over there.
La Raza Unida Party (RUP) promotional material Documents explaining RUP goals, platform, and purpose
Dr. Hector Garcia blasts UT regents, opposes merger Explanation of Dr. Garcia's stance on the UT takeover of Pan American University in Edinburg; calling the board racist and illegally appointed, with no Mexican-American appointments in three recent additions.
Memos Say Nixonites used power to woo Mexican-American vote article detailing the political strategy of the Nixon campaign to offer recognition to Mexican-American leaders who endorsed him. Mention of Raza Unida members aiming criticism at Democrats seems to indicate the strategy worked.
La Raza Unida votes in 1972 election C.C. Caller-Times article describing some of the voting trends in 1972, including for the Raza Unida Senate candidate Flores Amaya and gubernatorial candidate Ramsey Muniz.
Corpus Christi bond election, 1972 Analysis of Corpus Christi voting by region and demographics, showing that the most Mexican-American populated part of Corpus voted heavily in favor of the proposition for funding upper-level college facilities for the area. Although voter turnout from this demographic is demonstrably low at this time, the clear support for higher education exists in spite of the ambivalence toward the political process.
Sept 30
Letter of support for Lloyd Bentson for U.S. Senate, written by Dr. Hector P. Garcia This letter, written in Spanish, is encouraging voters to support candidate Bentson for Senator, expressing Dr. Garcia's perception that he was the only candidate that had shown support for the Mexican-American community.
Letter from Pct. Chairman Coronado of La Raza Unida to Dr. Hector P. Garcia This is a personal letter to Dr. Garcia warning him that the local politicians were not helping to uplift the Latino community in the way Dr. Garcia might think they would.
Invitation from La Raza Unida to Dr. Hector P. Garcia In November, 1969, La Raza Unida of Michigan invited Dr. Garcia to serve as a role model for prospective Mexican-American students in order to encourage their participation and completion of high school, as well as to continue their education at MSU.